Sunday, May 30, 2010

Living Room

More House

New House Tour

Real Life

Express yourself!

Jordan has decided that she is going to be a vegetarian. I'm trying to respect her wishes the best I can. Mayah got wind of this and said, "Not me Mom meat is MY favorite expression".


"I'd kill an elephant just to get an Oreo". Jordan

New Recipe---Mayah Style!

"Okay Mom, you get some roast beef and some chicken and some roast beef and some more chicken. Then you mix them together in a big bladder (any volunteers?). It's delicious"!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Mayah came out of her room and said, "Hey Mom look--one of my feet doesn't know that valentines day is over".

Bellybuttons Anyone?

The other night we were eating Quinoa for dinner an Mayah said, "Ew Mom I am NOT going to eat that. It's dith-guthing and it looks like little, teenie-tiny baby bellybuttons" She's right it does.